Tuesday 23 July 2013

Check & Log

- I don't if i'm honest have any preference to man-made or natural object being easier to suggest three dimensions. Saying this, I do find it becomes more difficult a task overall when the object it packed with a lot of texture detail like dents/ holes etc as well as shadows. What I will say I back to a previous point I noted was that the three dimensions are far easier to suggest when lit more appropriately. These point would be my made pointers at this stage:

1). Strong light source to provide more a interesting look and character to each object
2). A little depth to the composition. This can be helps using a few objects positioned strategically and even suggest what the object is on.
3). Confident shadow and highlights!
4). Accurate perspective. A the very least try to have parallel lines and other relevant lines that share a relationship to be going in the correct general direction.

- My fruit drawing was fairly well drawn I thought, with a good composition providing depth. I just lacked a more interesting use of light and background detail to be a successful finished drawing.
- I deliberately tried to suggest movement in my drawing so that the picture takes you towards the back and then around and back to the apple. I pointed the curved banana, leaf, the flower stem purposely backwards into to background. The vibrant red apple was then placed in the middle and the flower stem across the arrangement, but still pointing into the frame, to try to create a little tension. I did play about with the layout and was happy with my final choices in that respect.
- I then wanted to draw from the front of the arrangement at an angle that I would have taken a photo of  the objects. I put them on the floor in my living room and sat on the floor directly in front and slightly to the right.

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