Monday 24 June 2013

Odilon Redon Vs Van Gogh

I really like the bright vibrant colours that Redon has used and the soft finish like many other of his works. His use of effective yet subtly intense shadows make for an image you almost want to reach out and touch the pot that is begging to jump off the canvas. It really brings the 3D aspect to life.
Finding this strangely fascinating to look at!!
I wonder though, could he have added more fine detail than he has, or would it then lose its appeal??

For me a more successful still life when compared to the iconic 'Sunflowers' by Van Gogh (below) and technically a better painting. Maybe the fierceness of Redon's colours would make it a more unsettling picture hung on a wall compared to the less somehow in you face yellows from Van Gogh.

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